Absolutely (for sure)
1. Aabidek sa gwa
Definately for sure
2. Aabidek niwii zhichige owi
I have to do that
3. Aabidek sa gwa
Dam right
4. Aaniide gwanaa aabidek gwa
Why yes of course, most definitely
5. Aabidek wii aanjimzinaaza
He/she has to retake his/her picture
6. Aabidek wii aankoosdoong owi
That has too be joined together
7. Ka zhitoon aabidek aaswaakogan
You have to make a brace
8. Ngii aaskii`igo aabidek
They had to prop me up
9. Aabidek nii aawjidaabii nonggwa
I have to haul today
10. Aabidek ngii aawjinge odi
I had to carry stuff on my shoulders over there
11. Aabidek nii aandaawdaas nonggwa
I have to be moving out stuff today
12. Aabidek wii aandaawnidok gwonda
These people have to move to anothe rplace
13. Bebezhik aabidek ka biindigemi
We will have to go in one at a time
14. Bidakiganan aabidek gey katoonan
Put the forks too
15. Biinjisekaajigan aabidek ngii biiskaan
I had to put a wig on
16. Aabidek nii biisegase
I have to chop the wood in small pieces
17. Aabidek nii biisigase
I have to chop the wood in small pieces
18. Aabidek wii bwenammzigaade
That has to be steamed cooked
19. Genoodamaaget aabidek nii wiijigaabwiitak
A spokesperson has to stand with me
20. Aabidek nga aangizheyaa meznibiiget
I going to have to hire an artist
21. Niwiinhsan aabidek wii giishknanaan
H/She has to buy the small caliber bullets
22. Nwiisag aabidek wii giishknanaan
H/She has to buy the small caliber bullets
23. Skoongamigoong aabidek nwii zhaa
I have to got to the school
24. Wiibdaakaajgankenh aabidek nii waabmaa
I have to see the denturist
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