Anyway/Let it be
- Adverb
1. Maanoo gwa aabidendan
Just finish it
2. Maanoo gwa genii aabtoojiinshin
Give me a hug too, please
3. Maanoo da aziinkobiigksin owi gdagiigaanh
Let that rag dry out
4. Baakaaksidoon owi maanoo da nesemgat
Leave it open ,let it breathe
5. Maanoo da baakaaksin owi mooday
Leave that bottle open
6. Maanoo gwa baamtooshin
At least listen to me
7. Maanoo da bengajiishkweshin owa
Let it sit there and dry
8. Maanoo wiin da kida denniw gwa gey maaba daa``aan
Let him/her say it h/she has a tongue also
9. Maanoo gey maanda wiiyaas da digwade
This meat could also be cooked with it
10. Naakizheyan owi shkode, maanoo da minokine
Stoke the fire, and let it burn well
11. Nke nwebtoon owi pshkwashzhigan maanoo da aate`aabkide
Give the lawn-mower a rest let it cool down
12. Esna maanoo wiidookwishin?
Can you please help me out?
13. Maanoo gwa zhoobiingwenin
At least smile
14. Maanoo gwa zhoomiingwenin
At least smile
15. Maanoo da zhiwebat
Just let it happen
Lay off, Let go
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